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The Latest From OneCity
Find out how to make better decisions for your business and your community.
OneCity advocates for continued adoption of open data standards, and the transition to the third wave of open data, towards collaboration.
We explore developments in Johannesburg and South Africa relating to the use, re-use, and application of urban data.
This blog highlights the developments in the collection, management, and use of data in the City of Johannesburg in the last few decades.
Find out how to make better decisions for your business and your community.
OneCity advocates for continued adoption of open data standards, and the transition to the third wave of open data, towards collaboration.
We explore developments in Johannesburg and South Africa relating to the use, re-use, and application of urban data.
This blog highlights the developments in the collection, management, and use of data in the City of Johannesburg in the last few decades.
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